Task 1. Essay: The UN partition plan 1948

Write an essay using a reasoned historical argument on the topic:

The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine led to the first Arab-Israeli War of 1948-49.

Construct an essay using the formal conventions of history essay writing

  • An introduction that covers the basic content of the essay.

  • Each paragraph should discuss separate aspects of the essay.

  • Your essay must consider key counter-argument points

  • A conclusion: a brief summary of the essay, which should include one or two key telling points.

 Length: 1000 words maximum

  • 1.5 line spacing

  • Justified

  • Bibliography 

Important: The essay question will invite a reasoned historical argument.

You must respond to the question and discuss it in depth.

Very important: The Focus of the question must be discussed first!!

You are then able to address counter or supportive arguments where appropriate.

You do not have to agree with the proposition.

Extremely important: Analyse, do not describe.

Before you submit checklist - have I done the following?

  1. Written beautiful clear and concise topic sentences.

  2. Used primary and secondary sources evidence, quotes and facts to support my discussion.

  3. Synthesised and analysed the evidence from the sources to support my discussion

  4. Omitted needless words!

  5. Checked and rechecked my grammar/spelling

  6. Included the bibliography
